
Senior School (Years 10 – 12)

Welcome to Senior School,

Our Senior School program is a comprehensive combination of Sub School support, Careers learning and pathways guidance, along with EMC’s usual wellbeing support and quality learning and teaching.

Year 9 students will transition into Senior School with a supported Step Up program including many lead in activities throughout Year 9, such as Senior Pathways Expo and Course Counselling starting in Term 2. The move into Senior School can be a big jump for students, but Year 10 is the place to build the habits and skills needed for VCE success. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are supported to set themselves high expectations and goals to ensure their Pathway to Success within a cohesive cohort of peers.

Students remain in the same Home Group and Sub School through Middle to Senior School. Classes are a mixture of students from all Sub Schools depending on the personalised course selected by each student. Our Transition Program into Year 10 begins for Year 9 students in April where students explore subjects and courses with the help of Home Group Teachers and careers advisors to best prepare for their move into Senior School. Student wellbeing remains of primary importance where Sub Schools monitor student wellbeing, punctuality, academic progress, and attendance.

Around half of our students select a VCE Vocational Major course in Year 11, and half a VCE Tertiary Pathway. Around 400 to 500 students across Years 10, 11, and 12 undertake a VET study each year across approximately 83 VET studies available. Students who are endorsed through the Course Counselling process are also welcome to accelerate either into an early VCE TP or VET subject, a University Extension subject, or a Fast Track VCE VM program, where students can complete their VCE VM course by June.

EMC prides itself on the endless combination of possible pathway offerings, which also makes us a school of choice. In addition, students are encouraged to immerse themselves into the opportunities offered by the College through the Camps and Excursions Program, Careers Expos, University visits, College Productions, Music, Sport, I Can Challenge, and community volunteering to name a few.

Our Careers team enables all students to undertake Work Experience, and for VCE VM students to undertake Structured Workplace Learning. EMC is also a Registered Training Organisation and provide our own scope of VET courses, along with access to every TAFE and private RTO’s courses. We have an extensive School Based Apprenticeship program, with two DET Headstart SBAT staff onsite at EMC, creating the best possible opportunities for students interested in apprenticeships. Our Careers team has strong links with all Victorian universities, creating opportunities for EMC students to experience uni life and connections through Access Monash tutoring, all university Open Days, guest lectures, subject lectures, immersion excursions and more.  

Senior School staff makes each students’ needs and aspirations our priority. We nurture passion, talents and expertise so every student experiences success. We create documented support plans for students to meet their goals, whether it be to accelerate academically, or to achieve more than they have previously.

Whilst we are a very large school, which can be daunting for some students, it is because we are a large school that we can create four small supporting Sub Schools which take you from Year 7 to Year 12. Our size also means there is no end to opportunity at EMC; we will provide each individual student with their Pathway to Success. Your first contact point is always your child’s Home Group Teacher; if you have any further questions please get in touch.

2025 – 2027 Senior School Course Information Handbook

2024 – 2026 Senior School Course Information Handbook